yovi Front end web developer budirahardjo
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Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary. ~ Unknown

The primary skill set I manage to achieve throughout the journey of my career.

  • Solid five (5) years commercial experience in front-end web development using HTML 5, CSS 3, SASS, and Javascript.
  • Good experience with following technology stack, including but not limited to React JS, jQuery, Backbone JS, Handlebars, Meteor Blaze, Require JS, Underscore, Freemarker (FTL), Jasmine, Mocha, Grunt, Jenkins, Karma, Git and SVN.
  • Good understanding of responsive web design, progressive enhancement and graceful degradation concepts, cross-browser compatibility issues, optimization techniques, and accessibility techniques using HTML5 Boilerplate, Twitter Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation and Browser Stack.
  • Proven ability in creating fully responsive web contents that can be viewed on both desktop and mobile devices using feature detection tools (Modernizr) and CSS media queries.
  • Proven track record of implementing effective UX design and interpreting visual design brief into active-state screens.
  • Good experience in Vignette & Umbraco CMS
  • Microsoft Certifications in .NET Web & Software Development (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist/MCTS - .Net Framework 2.0).

02 skill set

When debugging, novices insert corrective code; experts remove defective code. ~ Richard Pattis

Front End Web Development

I create a highly engaging website or web application by writing HTML and CSS from scratch, slice designs from Photoshop and/or Fireworks, and work closely with creative team to ensure visual requirements are met. I add interactivity to a website with Javascript (both vanilla and using frameworks).

Responsive Web Development

I build RESPONSIVE websites using progressive enhancement (and sometimes graceful degradation, depending on the client's requirements) technique, supported by feature detection tool such as Modernizr as well as some well-known responsive frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.


I use Javascript and jQuery to add interactivity to websites. Fortunately I am lucky enough to have also used Backbone, Marionette, Underscore, Blaze, React, and Handlebars to make my coding more structured, efficient and easier to mainatin. Plus some additional tools: Require JS & Enquire JS.

CSS Preprocessor (SASS)

I am a believer of a DRY principle. Using SASS, I have an easy-to-maintain styles as well as to enhance a website's performance (no multiple HTTP requests to load various CSS files, no duplication of styles), by having multiple but smaller, modular files for development, and a single stylesheet for production).

Test Driven Development

It's one way to think through requirements or design before I write my functional codes. Implementing TDD by transitioning from a normal development technique is not an easy task. However, I'd love to produce well-designed, well-tested, and well-factored code in small, verifiable steps. Jasmine, Mocha and Karma are a few of my favourite testing frameworks.

Process Automation

A good developer is a lazy developer. The point is, if you find yourself doing the same thing three times, it’s time to automate it. Using Grunt to automate my repetitive front end development tasks: execute unit tests, lint JS, concat, minify and copy JS and CSS files to build folder, has been an absolute pleasure!

03 experience

Better train people and risk they leave, than do nothing and risk they stay. ~ Unknown

February 2015 Present

Front End Web Developer

As part of the awesome team who built Food To Love, I actively use React JS as the main Javascript framework. The complete technology stack are SASS, Foundation, Gulp, and Node JS in order to make the site isomorphic. Unit testing with Mocha, Chai and Karma as a test runner, and more end-to-end automated testing using Cucumber test.

November 2014 February 2015

Front End Web Developer

At Bupa, I was responsible for maintaining Bupa corporate & retail websites by actively involved in projects as well as BAU tasks using Vignette Content Management System as the core data-driven development system and SVN as the subversion tool to manage the code base. Apart from the technical responsibilities, I also proactively provided suggestions to improve current front-end development processes. Implementing Grunt to replace current Maven build script as well as setting up the initiative for a regular code review is part of the suggested improvements which could streamline front end development to become more efficient.

October 2013 October 2014

Front End Web Developer

As a front end developer, I worked on various exciting web projects utilizing HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Backbone JS, and Freemarker as core technologies, as well as some other additional frameworks used per project basis such as: Require JS, Underscore JS, Blaze JS, and Handlebars. TDD/BDD is the development concept I follow at Optus. For that purpose, I have been using Jasmine and Karma to perform Javascript unit testing. Grunt and Jenkins were used as front-end continuous integration tools to automate integration tasks. I also actively applied Agile (SCRUM) development practice and used JIRA task management system to track project timelines.

June 2013 September 2013

Front End Web Developer

I was responsible for web reskinning task for one of BlueArc's big financial client. The development task included PSD cut up, HTML creation and cross-browser testing (including IE8). It was a FULLY RESPONSIVE site which was viewable across different devices with various screen resolution. The core technologies and tools were HTML5, CSS3 (CSS media queries for building the responsive site), jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Modernizr, and Enquire JS.

May 2013 June 2013

Front End Web Developer

Worked at Deloitte Digital, I was responsible for the development of iPad web app using HTML5, SASS, and jQuery. Middleman app and Phonegap Build were used to manage the process of building the site in order to make it similar to iPad's native application, and code sharing between developers was managed in Bitbucket.

July 2011 April 2013

Front End Web Developer

During my 22-month employment with HFS, I was accountable for the creation, development and technical design of highly engaging and effective .NET-based websites, banners, email newsletters and creative in HTML, CSS, AJAX and jQuery. Not only that, I was also responsible for creating fluid layouts to allow mobile users to have a good experience viewing HFS's sites in mobile devices. SVN was used to manage their front end as well as .NET code base.

April 2011 June 2013

Front End Web Developer

As a front end developer at Tribal DDB Sydney, my job description was to produce, modify or maintain Tribal's client emails/websites, to develop web applications using HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery which is cross browser compatible and meet web accessibility guidelines. As part of front end development, debugging cross-browser user interfaces and performance optimisation of layout and content were also the important tasks I have to undertake.

04 education

One principle problem of educating software engineers is that they will not use a new method until they believe it works and, more importantly, that they will not believe the method will work until they see it for themselves. ~ Humphrey, W.S.

august 2005

swinburne university of technology

Master of Information Technology

august 2001

university of surabaya (indonesia)

Industrial Engineering

3.0 GPA

05 portfolio

Hiring people to write code to sell is not the same as hiring people to design and build durable, usable, dependable software. ~ Larry Constantine

Since I am not a web designer, the only way I could show off my skills is by sharing my codes. Feel free to browse my Github repositories.